Ahoi Heimatmole!
Neighbourhood in a building community at Baakenhafen in Hamburg, construction of 16 new residential units and switch rooms
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Invited, structural engineering realisation competition. Winning design zillerplus for the planning consortium Heimatmole GbR c/o Kiezkompanie Hamburg Part GmbH from Hamburg. Start of construction 2019, completion 2024.
Our designs are not necessarily sculptures in a prime urban location. They are always about concepts of life. They are about how people imagine their future everyday life. Our aim is to convey to visitors a sense of fascination for the city, the space, the living, for the self-evident and the unmistakable.
City Hamburg
Builder-Owner Planungsgemeinschaft Heimatmole GbR c/o Kiezkompanie Hamburg Part GmbH, Hamburg
Status 2019 Start of construction 2024 Completion
Data BGF 2.500 m2 Wohnfläche 1.930 m2
Commission 2017 Eingeladener, hochbaulicher Realisierungswettbewerb Wettbewerb 1. Preis, Hochbau HOAI LP 1-5, künstlerische Oberleitung
Task New residential building, green façade, living concepts
Challenge residential units with switch rooms as flexible expansion areas, green façade and photovoltaics
Solution Spacious green façade as a communal balcony zone, activation of the terrace roofing on the top floor with photovoltaics and neutral switch rooms between the flats
Maria-Magdalena Renker, Simone Schiller
Maria-Magdalena Renker, Johanna Lölhöffel (Projektleitung), Maria-Magdalena Renker
Burger Landschaftsarchitekten
IB Hausladen
With the redesign of the HafenCity, Hamburg is setting new urban development trends beyond Europe. In contrast to other urban developments on the waterfront, e.g. in Rotterdam or Copenhagen, HafenCity is setting its own standards. With a special urban development concept, a strong emphasis on ecological sustainability and an intensive social mix, which is supported by high-quality public spaces and economic sustainability elements. One of the final construction sites is Baakenhafen, which is connected to the Lohsepark neighbourhood and the Elbbrücken neighbourhood and where 3,500 flats and around 13,000 jobs will be created by 2030. One of Hafencity's requirements for the competition for construction site 97 was the creation of a mixed population of all age groups, including individual lifestyles, which form the basis for a heterogeneous and identity-forming neighbourhood.
Baufeld 97, Baakenallee 78, Hamburg Hafencity
Docking. Arrive. Stay.
The "HeimatMole" building community is a group of clients who want to combine living and freelance work in one building. To this end, three guiding principles were defined, which serve as the overarching goals of the building community, but at the same time were to be realised in the built space...
The house shows the children the value of a community. Spatially, the Heimatmole is a village in the city, because a lot happens in the house and everyone can rely on each other.
Courage and curiosity
The opportunity and challenge in the development of this residential building is to finally abandon the functional separation of modernity and to be able to experience living, working and leisure in one building again. Challenging due to the dense urban location in the immediate vicinity of the harbour pier on the Elbe with its tidal range. An opportunity, because the building consortium has the courage to create a building that is sustainable on various levels. Sustainable architecture in terms of the building's greenery and biodiversity, energy efficiency and mobility, but also in terms of the community itself. With the Heimatclub on the basement as the centrepiece of the building, an address and a place for community activities has been created. The green roof terrace complements the offer as a meeting space for all residents.
Intelligent use of space
Based on the awareness that the demands on living, especially in combination with working, are changing, a spatial programme was developed that enables an interplay between the apartments and so-called switching rooms. Switching rooms are self-sufficient and flexible extension areas that can be ‘switched’ to the individual apartments, but are also accessible from the stairwell. The small, flexibly assignable units can also be open to temporary flatmates. The switch rooms are located in the east together with the individual rooms of the apartments, thus developing – together with the central bathroom area – a great flexibility. For use in connection with the apartments and also as a stand-alone unit. An evaluation every three years reviews the demand and a redistribution of the areas.
In addition, communal areas promote neighbourly coexistence. The home club is also the address, a space to arrive and linger. The location of the staircase in the courtyard forms a passageway and second entrance, so the club has an everyday function, but can also be used individually and separated for fire protection purposes. The staircase becomes a communal stage with a green room in front, through which the flats can also be accessed and which allows the green room to be used directly by the control rooms.
The architects have submitted a design that promises outstanding quality for the purposes of the building community and is characterised by a bold, innovative architectural approach. The idea of a green room not only makes the close connection between the interior and exterior visible, but also has an impact on the quality of life in the entire neighbourhood, because this room can also be partially opened up to the community.
From heat islands to cool oases: How the microclimate is saving cities
The theme of the green façade characterises the identity of the Heimatmole project. It forms an integral conceptual component that is far more than an ecological or technical measure. It is intended to show how nature can create its own space in HafenCity, even in an urban location.