Thomas Schimmel
With the ‘Gelber Block’ project in Munich's Westend, we are fulfilling our mission to design and develop sustainable quality of life with energy-efficient buildings, barrier-free apartments and attractive neighbourhoods in existing buildings. Our aspiration to develop existing buildings in a future-oriented way that works for residents for generations is consistently realised by zillerplus at various levels:
- through the ecological sustainability of construction and choice of materials
- the focus on economic operation over the entire utilisation phase
- through empathy for the spatial and atmospheric needs of current and future residents.
Architects play a crucial role in the transformation process towards climate neutrality. It is therefore our wish and aspiration to further develop these topics in a fair partnership with the knowledge and creativity of planners.
Founded over 100 years ago, the Munich-West Housing Cooperative has grown into the city's largest housing cooperative thanks to its long tradition and commitment to cooperative principles. It continues to move forward with contemporary ideas, a sense of community and the best opportunities on the market. Its sights are always set on the same goal: providing good, safe and socially responsible housing and a variety of benefits and services for its members.