Robert-Christopher Tubbenthal
In January 2025, Robert-Christopher Tubbenthal joined the management team as a partner and shareholder, taking on responsibility as part of the next generation. Together with Michael Ziller, he will shape the future of zillerplus.
Robert-Christopher Tubbenthal, born in 1985, comes from Hamburg and studied architecture at the TU Braunschweig. After working for staab Architekten and blauraum, he has been an employed architect at zillerplus since 2018. He not only brings experience from renowned architectural firms, but also a clear vision:
Our philosophy has always been the “plus” in the name. zillerplus stands for high-quality, people-oriented residential and urban development with a focus on sustainability. We understand sustainability not only in terms of the use of resources, but also in terms of the long-term usability of urban and residential space.
We plan structures that go beyond fashion, that can be used across generations and cultures and that adapt to people's needs. My aim is to carry this ‘plus’ forward and to continue to develop the zillerplus signature with fresh ideas.